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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-11-05 23:56 

註冊時間: 2003-06-17 00:06
文章: 1308
來自: 港島西
Belly, hope the below information could help. :a

I think the things you have done caused the troubles: using new plastic black cotton gate; removing the moses out; changing water too much, using tap water to clean your filter material. Anyway, you are the only one that could really deduce what happened.

Back to basic :
1. Nitrobacteria colonization is the vital vital element;
2. Tap water contains flourine that hurt fishes, shrimps and KILL YOUR nitrobacteria;
3. Ensure your filter material keep longest contact with water, with largest contact area.
4. What is the function of charcoal?

Using tap water to rinse your filter material is murdering your lovely nitrobacteria. Next time, just pour some of your tank water into a small bucket and rinse the filter material SOFTLY. The aim is to keep sufficient nitrobacterial colonization. Otherwise you will remove/kill them all and you will have next cylce of milky water.

I guess I know that black cotton gate but I never use that before. Therefore, I cannot give comments on its effectiveness and efficiency.

4. There are still a lot of debates on the use and function of charcoal and how it works. If your filter system is good enough, you can flow away those charcoal. I am not qualified enough to talk over charcoal. Please search within this web or look at the following link:

Kelvin6666 (but not a bigbrother :-n06 )

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-11-06 20:38 

註冊時間: 2003-11-03 21:35
文章: 46
來自: Lam Tin
Thank you Kelvin6666! :a Really appreciate your patience, advice & info.!

The 'Plastic black plate' is the cartridge plate inside the hanging type filter. The activated carbon is embedded on the wall of the plate by a cotton sheet. Water has to pass through this cartridge bef. going back to the aquarium. Unfortunately, I have no time to buy it in these few days. :h

Water is still very 濁 in my tank! :l The 2 藻蝦 are very lonely there! Maybe I should really buy the bacteria culture to build up the system again! Hope i have good luck!

Thank you again Kelvin6666! :-n06

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-11-07 17:26 

註冊時間: 2003-11-03 21:35
文章: 46
來自: Lam Tin
One more question!If the milky water is due to the bacterial system which haven't been built up, how come the water would become more milky day be day if I don't change the water?? :j :j

Can any big brother help please?? :j :j :j :j

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-11-07 18:23 

註冊時間: 2003-06-17 00:06
文章: 1308
來自: 港島西
Check the link below:
http://www.fishinthe.net/html/section-v ... le-24.html

then read the whole "Fish Keeping 101" series:

Also, you can take photos of your tank and paste them here for the bigbrothers to diagnose for you.

good luck


 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-11-17 17:19 

註冊時間: 2003-11-03 21:35
文章: 46
來自: Lam Tin
After I used Hagen清水劑 , my tank is 'crystal clear' now!! :-n05 Thank you Kelvin6666!! :b

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