Wawawa...the post was already more than 1 year and you can still found it out...
In fact, during this year my tank setup was already changed twice. Now it becomes a 36"x18"x28" tank (set up on Aug/03), also I learn quite a lot from the question I faced before. Anyway, I may post the update later on.
長頸利: 鐵架下格兩邊係黑色膠瓦通板as well. I didn't cover the front is due to the better ventilation. 個架係一件過, I only use層架to divide it into two layer . The size is about 24"x14"x48"
pat: It's just the personal preference during that time. Noting special
Alfie: Well, actually its not 寶塔. Yes, the grass need to be cut frequently
NATURE DESIGN: Thanks a lot...you are one of my idol on grass landscaping, I hope I can learn something from you
catcat: Thanks a lot...that's why I always say 心機 is the most expensive investment
風清楊: Yes, 玩到盡ma...
操人: Yes, there is quite a lot combination you can use