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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-08-19 18:36 

註冊時間: 2002-05-06 19:10
文章: 117
來自: 秀茂坪
請問大家可唔可以分享一下你地不同的 DIY CO2 方法 (除左用 Yeast + Sugar 之外), 我知有朋友用 acid + carbonate, 請分享一下你既方法,效果, 同 D 料向邊度買?

Freeman :m

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-08-20 16:46 

註冊時間: 2002-12-23 00:56
文章: 538
hi Freeman,

yes, i am using vinegar(the high conceration one) + soda power to generate CO2. it is good at condition. my grass and fishes really grow healthy. i try to share my experience in this forum before:
http://www2.aqugrass.com/phpBB2/viewtop ... highlight=

i buy those things simply in warehouse...not too expensive...for my case, around $40 for 3 months, 75L tank.

actually.....i DIY CO2 with a traditional method:
same as DIY yeast CO2 one. however, i strongly advise u to find a suitable bottle which is....
- rigid
- leakage resistance

2. 2 little ZIP BAGS
one for soda, another one for vinegar.
- soda bag: make 3-6 (50mm) holes at the top of bag and 1-2 (1mm) holes at the bottom of it (as small as u can make)
- vinegar bag: make 3-6 (1mm) holes at the bottom of the bag.
* u SHOULD adjust the number of holes carefully...... cos' CO2 bubbles will be release viciously. if u can't see any bubbles, u can try to shake it slightly.

in my case, i got a 1L with 20mm wide mouth bottle.
i can put 3 spoons (chinese soup spoons) of soda and 3 spoons of vinegar into different zip bags.
* can keep 3-4 days to generation CO2. certainly, more ingredient or bags can generate more CO2 for days.

the only disadvantages of this method is:
- u have to add soda power and vinegar every 3-4 days
- have to shake the bottle every days.
- too viciously the generate CO2 (u have to close it SIGHTLY at night. if not, hahahahaahhaaa.....very troble!)

- dun shake it strongly on first day.
- try to adjust the size of holes very very very carefully.
- strongly advise u that to find a wider mouth of bottle.
- dun close it too tight....if not...... http://www2.aqugrass.com/phpBB2/viewtop ... highlight= ...sorry of that!

in fact, i think u can try to buy some soda and vinegar to test it. it is easy and simple.....U will be attracted after u see a lot of bubbles. Really good!

finally, is there anybody to use this DIY method? how long u can keep to generate CO2 for once?

 文章主題 : [討論]
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-08-21 16:42 

註冊時間: 2002-05-06 19:10
文章: 117
來自: 秀茂坪
Hi Winz,

Thx for you info....actually I have using Vinegar + Chalk (Limestone, thinking to try using Shells), or toilet water (should be H2SO4 or HCL) + Chalk, the reaction is fast but stops very soon.

I stopped the Vinegar + Chalk test because the bottle of Vingear was used up very fast which I thought it would be a very expensive method if I continue to do that.

I also stopped the toilet water + chalk test as I think it is a bit dangerous to play with this 2 kind of acids at home........

So for the items that you mentioned buying in warehouse.
- How much are they indeed?
- Charged by weight?
- And they are in powder????
- Is it dangerous for this kind of concentrated vinegar?
- Most important: where can I find this warehouse to buy?

Thanks for your information :P

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-08-22 03:23 

註冊時間: 2002-12-23 00:56
文章: 538
hi again Freeman,

U R welcome.

yes, the reaction really goes fast. that's why i use 2 plastic zip bags to separate different substance and slow down the reaction. if i mix vinegar and soda powder directly, it must be used up soon.

toilet water + chalk must be too dangerous for doing at home..... does large amount of heat energy release? well..well...dangerous!

- in solid form
- soda powder, so call "梳打粉" in warehouse
- around $2.5 per pound

- in liquid form
- high concentrated vinegar, so call "醋精" in warehouse
- $20 per bottle (around 625ml)
* the acidic liqud is contained by a large beer glass bottle or other similar bottle to contain in warehouse.

where U can buy it?
- most of the large food warehouse (食品乾貨店 or 食品乾貨批發店-- 雜貨鋪??, sorry i dunno how to tell u ... but u can see it in every old public estate. can u get my meaning?) have high concentrated vinegar and soda powder.
- all of supermarkets sell soda powder, too but it is more expensive and they have not high concentrated vinegar (have dilute one only)

actually....i try to use diluted vinegar be4 ... the reaction is slow.... may be good for small tank.

well......i feel quite dangerous to use high concentrated vinegar, cos' it have extremely strong smell ... a bit irritant.
actually, would ur family mind that there are a while irritated smell at home when u doing this experiment? if not, it is ok to try it at home.....not too dangerous but a while terrible smell.

hope this help


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