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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-01-27 19:15 

註冊時間: 2002-10-08 14:28
文章: 187
來自: Hong Kong
[分享][徵求]Wanted: Guinea Pigs. Don't buy them in Gold fish st.

Guinea Pig Wanted. And warning: don't buy guinea pigs form gold fish street. (Please kill it if it is not suitable to post in the forum, sorry)

My sisiter used to keep guinea pigs when she was young. Now she want to keep guenia pigs again. However, those guinea pigs from "Goldfish" street is too unhealthy to survive. She is a very experience keeper but still fail to keep those guinea pigs from "Goldfish" street for more than 2 weeks.

As a result, if anyone get small healthy guinea pigs to sell/give away, Please kindly email to <mickeymouse@wonghongkong.com>. Many thanks.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-01-29 17:39 

註冊時間: 2002-08-11 09:02
文章: 50
來自: 將軍澳和香港仔
try a store in Shek Kei wan. The store is in a shopping mall (forgot the english name), may be "tin yuen". Those one should be not too bad quality.

Good luck

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