U are right! All Japanese product in Japan are far more expensive than in Hong Kong.
報告 (打英文 will be faster)
ie. Sport Shoes (NIKE), Digital Camera (Cannon S45), Clothes, Fish products (same model in Hong Kong) all are expensive than HongKong.... And 5 % tax has to be marked up on price.
ADA product is not as popular as i expected in Japan.
ie. ADA Amazon soil small pack.
IN HK $60 but Japan approx HK$90. And ADA product was only found in Sunshine city.
Tetra seems more popular in Japan as i found they shows many many Tetra's product in both shops, with many leaflets to teach how to use its product and how to setup a tank... very educative! The problems is all in Japanese.
My observation is, ADA MUD/SOIL is not main choice in Japan. Many of the grass tank there is using SAND. ADA brand SAND. So what i feel is ADA MUD/SOIL is more popular in Hong Kong than Japan/Taiwan.
The places of above 2 addresses are very small. Size like "Q-PET". But in the same shop, they sell 海水魚, 熱帶孫, 爬虫類, rats, 鳥. So that u can imagine, there is not much on fishes products.
No 鯛 was found in both place. What they sell is very usually 熱帶魚like 169 do.
Many Girls??? Right! ... many girls in the shop. Why? Coz the places i visited were in a department store, thats why most of the visitors are LADIES (but i am sure that girls there are not as beautiful as girls in Hong Kong fish street, hehehe).

Plants - What i found there are very common water plant but in high $$$$. As u may see in the picture. Some plants are even the kind of 水草婆婆 $5 type. Tropical grass in one Sunshine City too but no new discovery. 發記種類真的比它多很多.
To conclude, this trip still not 令我大開眼界. 希望下次有機會往較大型日本水族中心參觀 (i.e. ADA 指定單位). 另外, 抱歉並未有更多照片及詳細資料提供, 因
1) 店員並不歡迎拍照, 只是不懂英語趕我走, 只好識趣急急了事
2) 與女人同行, 往魚店層8/F 時面色不好, 與地面(1/F)化妝部完全判若兩人. 為免她身心不適, 亦只好驚鴻一暼... 箭步離開!