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 文章主題 : [問題]Co2 meter ??
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-29 14:53 

註冊時間: 2002-09-14 10:53
文章: 451
來自: Tseung Kwan O
Hi guys,

BioPlast Co2 meter (dual gauge), cost $450 in fish street.
Cheap/expensive? :j
Other choice? any comments welcome pls.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-29 15:28 

註冊時間: 2002-04-12 11:10
文章: 545
來自: Tai Po --- Hong Kong
If you not yet buy meter & mech Value. I thank Van Brand is good to you at all .... ($4X0 could have meter & mech value together..........)

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-29 15:53 

註冊時間: 2002-09-14 10:53
文章: 451
來自: Tseung Kwan O
Since solenoid valve is electro-magneto equipment, i suspect it is much less durable than the co2 meter.
With the solenoid valve and co2 meter all-in-one, i afraid that if the solenoid valve broke down, the co2 meter can't be use anymore. Can anyone tell me whether they can be taken apart in Van's brand? ie remove the solenoid valve, and just use the meter if the broke down happen?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-29 16:32 

註冊時間: 2002-04-12 11:10
文章: 545
來自: Tai Po --- Hong Kong
My own config. is below:
1. AB brand Co2 pressure gauge (around $400)
2. Eheim Co2 controller --- no further solenoid valve need since it included (around $2200)

You see, my config is around $2600, actually, I don't know how long for the above two item could last for???

For your case, you not purchase any item now. That's great, make a detail survey before you move is a smart choice( I have waste much $$$ still now) So our former experience is good for you to consider...In my point of view, a Van brand meter just cost you $4X0 for a meter with a build-in solenoid valve. I GUESS,

METHOD A---Buy Van meter, if the Van brand meter could last for 30 months, the cost for you spend on pressure gauge & solenoid value is $15/month. In another way,

METHOD B---you purchase a brand pressure gauge (JBL/AB or even Dulpa) it could cost you $4X0 to $700,OK take a average ---$550.And you buy another solenoid value , it cost you around $450. To sum up this two item, $1000 dollers...OK GUESS BOTH could last for 5 yrs. Then, the cost you spend on those two items per month is around $16...

Two method with smiliar cost, but Method A is suppose last for 30 months only but Method B is suppose 60 months...In my points of view---Any low voltage house use electrcial item, duration last for below 3 years is seem no problem, but for duration last for over 5 years....its hard to say.

If I am a new comer, I would never buy my own config...($2600), I prefer to buy Van brand meter with a timer only... After a period of time, If I really still interest in aquarium, then buy a Sega pH controller ($1200) to coupe with the Van brand meter.........MUCH flexible

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-09-29 17:04 

註冊時間: 2002-09-14 10:53
文章: 451
來自: Tseung Kwan O
Thanks Kit, really helpful information.
I will weigh up the pros and cons b4 i make a decision on the

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