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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-12-23 12:38 

註冊時間: 2011-12-21 11:42
文章: 3
Hi all,
Greetings from Malaysia :grin:
I am having my HK trip from 30December to 5January. I am looking for solenoid, CADE lily pipe, some other accessories. Where would be the place i MUST visit? there are too many fish shops in HK.
Hope C-HINGS can help point out which shop has better service and price.

Thanks Thanks

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2011-12-31 08:42 

註冊時間: 2011-07-28 17:34
文章: 3
They are all pretty good at the fish street in Mongkok. Just browse around, there are a lot of accessories shops, look around for the best prices.

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