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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-06 14:09 

註冊時間: 2002-08-11 09:02
文章: 50
來自: 將軍澳和香港仔
Does anyone know this fish and if we could buy it in HK? According to the below website, it is very good Algae Eater even better than SAE.

"A most efficient weapon against HAIR ALGAE in your
aquarium. They just LOVE to eat this algae.
They will even devour hair algae forms that
Siamese Algae Eaters (SAEs) won't touch. Its
been noted recently that several forms of Bush
Algae will also fall before a FFF onslaught.
The Florida Flag Fish (FFF) also makes short
work of Lemna minor and Wolffiia arrihza; two
forms of Duck weed. Duckweed is a really
annoying surface plant that spreads rapidly
and blocks light to your aquarium plants."

copy from "http://www.floridadriftwood.com/product.asp?3=606"

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-06 17:43 

註冊時間: 2003-03-13 00:04
文章: 25
來自: Tai Kok Tsui
Seems very good and easy to keep in aquarium. $1.85 each (min. 100) maybe a good price, too.

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