油商壟斷, 牟取暴利, 影響民生, 油價只跟油價升而加價而沒有跟隨油價跌而減價,要知道油價是直接影響公共交通成本,運輸成本,政府現時無法監管,故希望各位網民能夠出一分力,一人一email向政府投訢!
我覺得團結就是力量,一個e-mail十個e-mail無人理,一萬個十萬個就有人理, 我地把呢個訊息發去其他網站平台,一傳十,十傳百就睇到我地力量
提議只send去消委會(競爭政策的投訢或意見)及cc生果日報, 或者e-mail俾自已朋友等佢地再cc出去.
news@appledaily.comSubject: Complain about HK Gasoline Companies
Dear Sir,
I would like to write this letter to complain about the gasoline gas station
companies in Hong Kong. The international oil price has dropped a lot within
this 2 months and it's now lower than USD80/barrel; however, the gasoline
selling price in HK gas stations are all selling at a price when the
internaltional oil price was higher than USD150. I bevieve it is not fair to
all Hong Kong citizens and it will ruin Hong Kong's economic.
We all understand this is a free market in Hong Kong; however, when all gas
stations are selling at the same unreasonably high price, is it still a free
It would be glad if HKSAR can do some action on this issue to protect all
Hong Kong citizens and this is the reason that we need a Government.
Please reply.
----------- End of Sample Letter ------------
現今每升油價己大幅回落至 $7X 美圓,與數月前同價時相比,香港油商無回落油價,有$2 元差距,我地每次入 40 升油,需多付$80 元,暴利豐厚令人作舌!