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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-03-18 18:50 

註冊時間: 2001-10-27 08:00
文章: 797
來自: 殞落了的比達星
after looking tcc's new tank for small moon moon, i am very jealous of his short pearl grass. one 11 w PL tube with 'jit jit' co2 and they still grow very healthy. but, mine.......... up to 4 inches high now!! they are tall pearl grass now!! all of them are individuals, they never grow new stem, never grow horizontally, only up up up up...........
i use diy co2, 'jit jit' co2, one 27w PL tube and one 10w FL tube [has changed to a 10w blue tube now]
dupla plant 24, 1 drop for every week, ph is lower than 6
:-n25 :-n24

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