CF 寫:
o岩o岩睇番阿Sean果段英文回應, 我覺得好奇怪, 佢提及到如果服務員俾人重復又重復問同一個問題會bad mood喎, 我就非常之唔讚成喇。
我都係做服務性行業, 雖然每日有好多好煩同o針氣既顧客, 但係都唔可以對佢既態度唔好啊。如果你可以搞掂一個麻煩友, 而佢仲可以笑往禁買野, 你先至係一個 top sales。點樣都唔應該bad mood對客。
仲有呀, 問一句Sales唔會快得過search internet咩? 如果班sales唔想俾我地問野, 就叫佢番鄉下耕田拉, 香港大把人想搵野做。
To CF,
I must apologize on my wrong view about sales attitude towards the repeated questioning from customers. You are right about the key to success of a top sales. Thanks for correcting me!
And I do hope 發記's sales can understand this point.
As for the second point, you are right too - but only if we are in Germany / Japan / Taiwan / China, where the sales and shop keepers are totally professional. I found that most sales in fish street do not know what they are selling and have very limited knowlege on this hobby. They mislead many beginners and as a result money are wasted and disappointment towards this hobby arise. I remember once I went into one of these shops and heard a discussion on whether water plants will produce flowers between two sales. Their conclusion is no! As we all know many water plants do produce flowers. From this example you can see how naive and misleading the sales in fish street can be. So, unless the sales in fish street upgrade themselves on the knowlege of their job, I still think doing our own research is a must before you go and buy anything. On top of that, during the research process we upgrade ourselves as well! Instead of always hearing what other people says, finding the answer through books / magazines / internet is also part of the fun of this hobby.