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 文章主題 : Re: 一肚氣
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-19 13:27 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Anyway, remember to pm me for the photos of your "Dream TANK"[/quote]

:grin: i had a 18" fish tank for 6 years. I don't even know anything about fishes during the period. just use a small top filter, change water directly from the tap water once every month. no filter materials. its a miracle that the fishes still alive for so many years. but yes, the water wasn't so clear compare to my current tank now. basically, i am having 6 years of fishes but i don't know anything. you can say that I am having fishes experience for 1 month only.
I have gone to the fish street and found that the plant tank looks really cool. so, I was thinking of using my current 18" tank to take some experience first and maybe have a bigger one in my living room later coz it looks so amazing (but never thought of 4 feet, its huge for me). now, i can't wait to have a big one but really curious to know whether i can handle such a huge one.
:ugeek: thank you to all brothers to help me to solve the equipment problems & " :grin: andy's theory", as i have not even heard of any brand. haha, otherwise, i will just go for the price and waste the money. :oops: in the other word, it made me "big blood out"........~~~
:grin: of course i will post out the pic to the forum to thank you all brothers here. :helpless: step by step to get help as i don't know how to decorate. haha

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