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 文章主題 : ADA Registration Form
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-31 09:44 

註冊時間: 2001-10-17 08:00
文章: 446
來自: 香港上環
I'm going for the ADA competition this year again and I start to fill in the registration form. One thing about this form is that you need to fill in all the names of your waterplants / fishes / shrimps / snails etc. This is the most difficult part as you need to find out their scientific names! Not what we call them in Chinese! I spend hours after hours trying to find the names of my fishes and plants but I'm still missing some of them.

To any of u who like to apply for the competition. Make sure you spare some times to fill in the registration form! It 'll take you quite a long time!

Does anyone know the scientific / latin name of Zebra shrimp?

Good luck to those who join the competiton! :-n06 :-n06

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