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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-02-08 11:32 

註冊時間: 2005-04-08 23:19
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來自: 樂富
請問有冇情迷朋友係從事鮮窄果汁相關行業可以幫幫手 :-n05 For Details 請 PM 小弟

We are the higher diploma in Food Technology & Environment Health students (Chai Wan IVE). We are planning the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system (HACCP) for the fresh squeezed juice company.

The purpose of the HACCP system is to identify hazards and critical situation, and to produce a structured plan to control. It can also increase training and awareness of the employees at all levels and to focus on prevention and control of juice/ food safety problem at the highly specific points in the processes chain. This is a high level of control over product safety, and can minimize the risk of food bone illnesses occur.
The brand value may also increase due to the good hygiene practices and quality of the product.

This program is completely free, and we will minimize the effect to your company daily operation. Also all the experimental result will be confidential. We hopefully to investigate your company to play a part in this project.
For more information about this project, please P.M

Yours faithfully,
Higher Diploma in Food Technology & Environment Health

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Passion For CRS

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