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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2014-05-12 19:58 

註冊時間: 2014-05-12 19:55
文章: 2
自由工作者 – 專業水族造景設計及魚缸保養 (Freelancer -Professional Aquarium Landscaping Design and Fish Tank Maintenance)

致力提供專業咸淡水水族造景設計開缸工程及魚缸保養服務, 服務範疇包括:
- 海水魚魚缸保養;
- 海水珊瑚缸保養;
- 水草造景缸保養;
- 熱帶魚魚缸保養;
- 錦鋰魚缸或魚池保養;
- 金魚魚缸保養;
- 各類型開缸水族設計工程;
- 各類型水族維修工程

我們現在的保養服務已覆蓋全港九新界, 保養服務包括魚缸清潔, 水質檢定, 水草修剪, 珊瑚造景, 換水, 定期清潔濾材, 更換水族耗損器材及24小時專線水族疑問查詢服務, 以確保客人無憂無慮地“魚樂無窮”為宗旨。

我們既是水族愛好者又是水族工作者 ,一心以分享經驗和幫助客人為準則,因此將提供一大眾化的服務收費,以客為本 [給你一個不能拒絕的價錢] 收費會取決於以下因素而訂:
- 魚缸尺寸;
- 飼養水族寵物類型,如珊瑚,水草等類型;
- 服務地點;
- 服務次數

電話: 59879605 Ken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freeaquadesign

Freelancer - Professional Aquarium Landscaping Design and Fish Tank Maintenance

We are committed to provide professional landscaping design and marine/fresh water aquarium maintenance services, including:
- Marine fish tank maintenance;
- Coral tank maintenance;
- Plants tank maintenance;
- Tropical fish tank maintenance;
- Jin Li tank or fishpond maintenance;
- Goldfish tank maintenance
- Various types of aquarium design engineering;
- Various types of aquarium maintenance works

We now have maintenance services including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. The maintenance services will include tank cleaning, water quality inspection and keeping, pruning plants, coral landscape, water changing, filter cleaning regularly, aquarium equipment replacing and 24hour aquarium Inquiry, and to ensure that guests can enjoy their carefree aquarium .

We are aquarists and aquarium workers and pleased to share our experience to you. It is hoped we can provide an acceptable service charges for you and the charges will be set based on the following factors:
- Size of the tank;
- Types of the tank, such as coral, plants or other types;
- Service locations;
- Service times per month

Welcome call or email for quote
Phone: 59879605 Ken
Email: freeaqua999@yahoo.com.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freeaquadesign

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2014-05-28 20:14 

註冊時間: 2014-05-12 19:55
文章: 2

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2014-07-23 22:47 

註冊時間: 2009-07-29 20:13
文章: 7

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