kencow: How long has your tank been set up? Anyway, just a few points to note:
1. Your tank is only of 30L of water. You have overloaded the tank and are killing the tetras. You should have only around 20 fishes inside.
開頭唸住買d死士,點知又俾佢地挨過.... 但e家唔捨得活生生將佢地...... 2. You have two DIY CO2? How come there are two diffusers?
因為有一支就黎用完,所以放左兩個diy co23. The lighting is unequal... it's relatively weak on the right side. What tubes are you using?
kotobuki吊燈4. How do you keep the tank daily, i.e. daily maintenance such as changing water, feeding, etc? 'cos it seems to have algae burst.
見到水位底左約一寸會抽走d水再加。5. Never use hang-on filters for planted tanks.
因為濾材放得唔多?6. And the temperature?