Fish Fan 寫:
You should use 髮網 or fishing line. How long has your tank been set up? For new tanks, 8 hours of lighting seems too much. What is the device on the left? And what is the device in white on the right (not the CO2 diffusor)?
Thanks, 得閒我會找找髮網重扎, 我已經減少到燈照5個鐘, 暫時未見異樣.
個缸開左大概一個月, 不過開頭唔識, 買左普通海沙做底, 後來拜讀這裏其他ching經驗, 買泥重新做底, 實際落草只有一星期左右.
左邊果個係水泵, 個濾桶其中一部份, 個kotobuki mini桶本身無動力裝置要連接呢個泵先有抽水力.
右邊果個係氣泵氣石, 之前唔識野以為種草要打氣否所以買了, 但現在無再開.
其實個缸係行魚街時見到人地養得幾靚, 我個仔又話想養所以買個試下, 不過我覺得幾有興趣, 後來又買技燈同co2, 現在變左我主力打理, 我個仔得閒先睇二眼.