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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2008-12-31 07:34 

註冊時間: 2008-12-26 11:37
文章: 43

新買了Kotobuki 24"x 8"x9" 彎邊缸一個, 黑泥一包,頂過瀘器1個,燈魚一包.
先用水喉水裝滿一缸 (又右養水),落了一棵"金魚茜"及一棵不知名水草,落魚,再落泥.
1小時後總算ok .
頭兩日覺得水很清,開心! 覺得水流太大.於是用胶袋包住部份抽水ロ.惦!

希望加快nitrogen cycle 之完成.

後來見棵"不知名"水草開始枯,所以想加燈. 後了買了一支Dazs 的35W PL 藍白光 光管.
初時覺得好靚,後來覺得有點兒太光, (但看各C兄之貼文之後,35W又好似唔太光), 初時D魚都

1/ D水開始有d濁, 玻璃又佈滿一小點一小點的青苔. 吃剩的魚糧 (因為跌在水草下,魚吃不了),
2/ 又不能全部清理,因不想再翻起泥底.現在只清理其中大部份.
3/ 今天還發現魚羣有白點病. 及這兩天共死了6,7 條之多. ---傷心!

缸內有暖管,温度維持在25 -26 度之間,

1/ 清走了巳枯之水草.
2/ 換水一半.
3/ 減餵食每天一次.
4/ 於濾水內加了少許salt
5/ 開燈時間減少.
6/ 巳用試劑測試, 只有0.5 mg/L 的 NH4/NH3 – 應該冇問題啩.
7/ 用NO3 試劑, 也在安全水平.


Thankyou very much!

PS- 另外試做DIY CO2, 有CO2 出, 但出不了細化器. 細化器好像要很大壓力, 試過大力擠壓個胶樽都出不了. 後來發覺個胶樽有d 漏. 未及再造, 但想問細化器有否可能會塞了??? 或是真的需要很大工作壓力????

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2009-01-31 11:56 

註冊時間: 2009-01-30 15:00
文章: 84

我估一日兩養 仲要食剩 係問題所在.....而家仲有冇事添呀?

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2009-01-31 22:10 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
Sorry, I'm a bit confused... do you have a fish-only-tank (fot) or a planted tank? Assuming it is a fot:
1. Don't add any soil. And never add soil after you have filled up the tank with water.
2. You have to remove the chlorine before adding water into your tank. Never use pipe water directly.
3. How frequent, and how much do you change the water?
4. "買了AZOO之銨/氨測試劑,試水,2個星期都冇變化": What do you mean by no change? Their values should gradually change.
5. "所以1日改為餵食兩次.希望加快nitrogen cycle 之完成.": Feeding cannot speed up the completion of the nitrogen cycle. It will just pollute your tank and deteriorate the water condition if excessive food exists. BTW, you have to manually remove the excessive food and never leave them inside your tank.
6. Your lighting system is not a problem. The blue tube may help the growth of 青苔 but that shouldn't be a major problem for your tank. Just remove them regularly.
7. "D水開始有d濁": That's a warning signal that your water condition is turning bad. The purifying bacteria are dying. How did you set up your tank?
8. "今天還發現魚羣有白點病.": Search the forum for how to cure白點病. In short, gradually raise the temperature to 29/30c and add some salt to the water (be careful of the quantity, and also, not inside the filter!!).
9. "換水一半": That's too much! This would kill the purifying bacteria and the sick fishes.
10. "開燈時間減少.": No need.
11. "巳用試劑測試, 只有0.5 mg/L 的 NH4/NH3 – 應該冇問題啩.": What's more important, you have to check the pH, NO2 and NO3.
12. "用NO3 試劑, 也在安全水平.": OK.
13. "另外試做DIY CO2": Why? Your tank is not suitable for aquatic plants. You have to change other equipment as well. Also, don't add anything new before you have settled all the problems above. Otherwise, you'll mess up everything.

You have to be patient for building up an aquarium. Don't rush in everything or you'll be frustrated soon. Reading the articles of this forum will help.

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

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