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 文章主題 : How to manage 死剩種 ?
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-29 15:05 

註冊時間: 2001-12-06 08:00
文章: 92
來自: UG, Potato Garden, Hong Kong
Sometimes, I have bought some fishes in fish street, but they will dead one by one until only one fish is survive. So I want to know what should I do for them? Adding new fishes or let them alone with other species of fish?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-29 15:46 

註冊時間: 2001-10-17 08:00
文章: 446
來自: 香港上環
Respect life!! They have the right to live! :-n04

By the way, why do your fishes die so often? If your tank is a new set up one, make sure the water condition is safe and good before you buy any fish.
I suggest that every time you buy new fishes. Set up a small "hospital" tank. It is simple: use a small plastic tank ( even the one with plastic cover and handle can do) and a small sponge filter and air pump. Pour the fishes in the tank along with the water from the shop. Mix it with some new tap water. Put a few drops of Aquasafe and very small amount of fish general tonic / medicine. Keep the new fishes in this tank and observe their behaviour or any signs of decease for 4-5 days. If they are ok then introduce them to the main tank. By doing these you can prevent damages to the fishes and plants in your main tank and you can treat the new fishes in advance if they carry deceases. This is what I learnt from books a long time ago and I have very few death rate ever since.

Hope this help. :c

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-29 16:18 

註冊時間: 2001-12-06 08:00
文章: 92
來自: UG, Potato Garden, Hong Kong
Thanks sean !

In my case, they don't dead in a short period but dead in a relative long period such as 6 months to one year, even longer. I have three 死剩種 in my tank now.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-29 16:31 

註冊時間: 2001-10-17 08:00
文章: 446
來自: 香港上環
What fishes are they by the way? Maybe if you don't want them you can give them to other members who keep the same fish so that it won't be alone! :c :c

 文章主題 :
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-01-29 17:29 

註冊時間: 2001-12-06 08:00
文章: 92
來自: UG, Potato Garden, Hong Kong
They are:

1 珍珠馬甲
1 白雲山&
1 不知名的魚(應該是斑馬類)
Besides, I have 12 紅蓮燈, 7 SAE and 3 黃金青苔鼠

In fact, I want to keep them but I afraid they feel alone.

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