Overall, I bought these parts and I have recycled some parts from my storeroom.
Parts that I bought:
1) Plastic project box
2) Cold Fin
3) Thermoelectric Module (TEM)
4) Tube 10/12 mm
5) Hose to go with 4) 2m
Parts I got from storeroom:
6) CPU heatsink and fan or
(work with any capable heatsink and fan), you can buy this from Sim Lim Square
7) PC ATX Power Supply Unit (PSU)
(work with any capable AC to DC power supply), you can buy this from Sim Lim Square
Parts for temperature control:

TBA -- $5.
Parts for cooling enhancement, optional:
9) TBA
10) TBA
11) TBA
Parts for self-pump enhancement, optional:
12) TBA
Tools needed:
1) Selleys Silicone Sealant or equivalant
2) Selleys All Clear, optional
3) Files
4) Drill and drill bits
5) Heatsink compound, can get from Sim Lim Square, usually PC heatsink comes with it. Cheap (and low performance) heatsink compound is sold in Sim Lim Tower.
Measuring Equipment:
1) Thermometer
2) Current Meter*, optional
* Best is clamp type. You will not need a current meter if you follow the steps in choosing the parts and the parts are manufactured to their specification.
How to choose the parts?
You need not use the exact parts as I used. First of all, choose a Thermoelectric Module (TEM) that is either 40mm x 40mm or 50mm x 50mm with an overall thickness of not more than 4mm. The TEM should be non Power Generation type.
Then you choose a Cold Fin that is at least 1 cm larger than the TEM, in term of width and length. I used one that is anodized and made of aluminium. Copper should not be used. Likewise, a heatsink should have a flat contact surface that is at least 2mm longer than the TEM width and length, mine is Swiftech 462, it is more than 2 years old with the fan that came with it. If you are going to buy CPU heatsink (any material) and fan, choose one that is designed to handle 3GHz or above.
Select a box that can be sealed and work on that is just slightly bigger to house the cold fin and with the consideration of enough room for inlet and outlet tube.
TEM is rated at Wattage(W), Voltage (Vmax), Current(Imax) and TD(C), choose one that is above 100W, mine is rated at 127W. There are 24 volt TEM in the market, you can choose to use it, powering it with cascaded PSUs.
Choose a PSU that able to supply at the current needed as specified by the TEM. For example, the TEM is specified to operate at 15.4V max (Vmax) with a current of 16A max (Imax). You can choose a PSU that can supply current that is a few amphere less than Imax at 12V, so for this example, a 14A max at 12V is usable.
However, if Vmax of the TEM is 12V, then you have to choose a power supply with 12V that has a max current greater or equal to Imax. For my case, it is a 50x50mm TEM with Imax=15A, Vmax=15.4V, at start, it draws 12.5A, and steady at 10.2A. My PSU can deliver 17A at 12V, it's an overkill, I know.
If you blindly choose TEM and PSU and hope things will go well, it is likely you will burn something or the cooling effect is not there.
I used standard silicone/zinc oxide compound for both heatsink and cold fin, if you have the money to spent, you can use Acrtic Silver X, it is known to be the best performance compound. Tests conducted by PC hardware websites showed that CPU with Acrtic Silver is 4C cooler than one with mid range heatsink compound. The performance of thermoelectric heat exchange is affected largely by the quality of the thermal junctions and the surface of the heat sink and cold fin, with the use of good heat sink compound, it translates into higher performance of Mini Chiller.