穗香 寫:
企鵝兄, 該繼電器是220V 四刀雙擲, 只用一個就可以了, 由於是四刀,
所以連 E 線也接上, 更覺安全....
企鵝兄的方法, 除了要特別留意安全方面外, 實在是一個簡易
又不費分毫的不錯接法, 但實驗之下, 卻失敗了...
過程: 先接時間掣, 時間掣未開, 風扇卻啟動, 即該時間掣只是
Cut 了 L 線, 唯有將時間掣前後位置 L N反接, 結果OK...
繼續連接溫控掣, 情形與第一次接時間掣時相同, 明顯該溫控掣
只將 N 線 Off , L 則接通..... 真啼笑皆非, 無辦法之下, 只好放棄....
其後發覺不只時間掣, 溫控掣, 排蘇......等等,
也是 Cut 其中一線,並非兩線齊 Cut, 安全性令人疑慮!
Actually "L" not cut out is very comman use. Mostly will share to use as you said. I forget to think this point.
It can't really said like this, many household appliance changes 230Vac to DC, and just use "L" as DC ground too.
In fact, if you only touch "L", you won't be hurted. Of course, I didn't try before and I won't try it.
所以連 E 線也接上, 更覺安全....
"E" is earth mean, the wire is used for protection. Thus the protection should protect you all the time, not only when fan is ON.
Therefore, "E" should direct connect, no need to cut by the relay.