I used some abundant materials from my grass tank (recycled ADA brown soil, "SANG" stones, moss, a hang-on filter, one sponge filter) to start a shrimp tank (W14' x D8' x H10') in winter last year. With the assistance of other online friends here, I bought about a dozen AB-S grade CRS and put them in with some apple snails. Luckily, they produced some second generation CRS so there are about a total of around 30 CRS (babies about 1cm) in the tank now. I purchased one CY-20 external filter to share the heavy workload of the hang-in filter. So far, no casaulty but I am worried about the weather coz summer is approaching and the temperature may reach over 28 degree even at nighttime.
Anyone in here successfully keep CRS healthy without cooling system through the hot summer in HK? Because I don't have enough space for an electric cooler...What are their ability to stay alive in high temp (e.g. may become 30 degree later)? Would a 4' fan help in cooling off the temp to a tolerable level?
Grateful for your advice and experience sharing! Thanks!