溪蟹 都幾多品種 ... 不過 ......... 只顏色有明顯分別 ~真係要養過先知更多 ~~
Candidiopotamon rathbunae 拉氏清溪蟹
Geothelphusa albogilva Shy 黃灰澤蟹
Geothelphusa ancylophallus Shy 厚圓澤蟹
Geothelphusa bicolor Shy 雙色澤蟹
Geothelphusa caesia Shy 藍灰澤蟹
Geothelphusa candidiensis Bott, 日月潭澤蟹
Geothelphusa chiui Minei, 邱氏澤蟹
Geothelphusa cinerea Shy, 灰甲澤蟹
Geothelphusa dilichopodes Shy, 扁足澤蟹
Geothelphusa eucrinodonta Shy, 顯齒澤蟹
Geothelphusa eurysoma Shy, 寬甲澤蟹
Geothelphusa ferruginea Shy, 銹色澤蟹
Geothelphusa gracilipes Shy, 細足澤蟹
Geothelphusa hirsuta Tan and Liu, 多毛澤蟹
Geothelphusa ilan Shy, 宜蘭澤蟹
Geothelphusa lanyu Shy, 蘭嶼澤蟹
Geothelphusa lutao Shy, 綠島澤蟹
Geothelphusa miyazakii 宮崎澤蟹
Geothelphusa monticola Shy, 高山澤蟹
Geothelphusa nanao Shy, 南澳澤蟹
Geothelphusa nanhsi Shy, 楠西澤蟹
Geothelphusa neipu Shy, 內埔澤蟹
Geothelphusa olea Shy, 黃綠澤蟹
Geothelphusa pingtung Tan and Liu, 屏東澤蟹
Geothelphusa takuan Shy, 達觀澤蟹
Geothelphusa tali Shy, 大里澤蟹
Geothelphusa taroko Shy, 太魯閣澤蟹
Geothelphusa tawu Shy, 大武澤蟹
Geothelphusa tsayae Shy, 蔡氏澤蟹
Geothelphusa wangi Shy, 王氏澤蟹
Geothelphusa wutai Shy, 霧台澤蟹
Geothelphusa yangmingshan Shy, 陽明山澤蟹
Nanhaipotamon formosanum (Parisi, 1916) 台灣南海溪蟹