Hi everyone!
Just wanted to share and please give me some comments on my tank... thanks!
Tank: 24 x 12 x 14 V Brand
1) Atman CF1200 + 1 J Brand Prefilter (with 2 trays of no name brand bio rings + Seachem Puragen on 3rd Tray)
2) Nisso Undergravel Filter
Air Pump: Aquaone 9500 (2 leads: 1 goto undergravel filter and 1 goto normal airstone)
CO2: 2L bottle + Intense Dropper (1 Bubble/Sec) + Intense Diffusor
Light: 3 x 20W(?) Cree LED DIY from webseller
PH: 5.1~5.2
TDS: 205
Soil: ELOS Terra Soil (9L Normal + 3L Fine) + Bottom Base
Tank Started: Jan 10, 2013
Red Cherry Shrimp (Infernal?) - 1 week after used to start tank but some died
Crystal Red Shrimp
Crystal Black Shrimp
Amano Shrimp
Red Nose Shrimp
Mosquito Tetra Fish
Protomyzon Pachychilus? 熊貓鰍
Please give me some suggestions!