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 文章主題 : 渦蟲會攻擊蝦?
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2013-01-18 06:44 

註冊時間: 2012-12-08 05:49
文章: 6
Hi everyone,

I would like to ask if 渦蟲會攻擊蝦? My tank new born shrimps keep disappearing...

Some people say no, but some say yes...so yes or no?

Here is someone saying yes.


Please help to clarify? Thank you!

 文章主題 : Re: 渦蟲會攻擊蝦?
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2013-01-18 08:47 

註冊時間: 2005-07-07 11:20
文章: 31
Sure yes
I am at the same situation

and I see myself they attack even adult shrimp
they ate 1-2 shrimp every week in my 10"square tank

 文章主題 : Re: 渦蟲會攻擊蝦?
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2013-01-23 06:02 

註冊時間: 2012-12-08 05:49
文章: 6
Hi SMTang00, thank you for your info. I thought some people said they won't hurt any shrimps... I saw the worms more recently... I did not see any shrimplets hatched even there were 4 to 5 berried shrimps... also...as you said... I found some adult shrimps just disappeared!! I bet those must be done by the worms.

How did you catch or kill them all?

Now I feed the shrimps less frequently, and less portions too! Then I put a trap with "bloody smell" food in it... It helped to attract the worms. They did not get into the trap...but I tried best to "suck" them out... So far I see less worms now, but I will keep the same until I see some shrimpets coming out...which I just saw couple yesterday...

 文章主題 : Re: 渦蟲會攻擊蝦?
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2013-02-04 14:45 

註冊時間: 2005-07-07 11:20
文章: 31
same as you, catch each on sight
but waste me a lot of time

the trap is not useful at all
and I don;t want to use chemicals

:x :x :o
any suggestion

 文章主題 : Re: 渦蟲會攻擊蝦?
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2013-02-15 03:41 

註冊時間: 2012-12-08 05:49
文章: 6
Hi, sorry to reply you late.

My tank has less 渦蟲 than before. I still use the same strategy. Feed my shrimps less.. maybe twice a week. The portion is reduced too. Everytime I feed the shrimps. the food would attract the worms. Then I will use the "suck thing (originally is for feeding medine for my kids) to suck those worms. Suck as many as I can.

No other ways for me so far...just need to be patient :)

Now I start to see my tank have some small shrimps , and now their survival rate is better than before~

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