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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-04-24 15:05 

註冊時間: 2005-11-03 10:11
文章: 3773
RM 50 = HK$100, meaning 24" external filter = HKD200?? So cheap!?? And external filter for 48" is only HKD300.

In my opinion, if the filter is so cheap there, I would even more prefer external filter, in a long run, it is much better! You plan to keep CRS for long term, don't you?

Anyway, it is up to you, since you have the hanging filter already! :b

AWTH-Aqua BLOG & 我的鯛琶堡全景

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-04-24 15:11 

註冊時間: 2004-01-28 19:04
文章: 847
來自: Malaysia
those filter i mention are all china brand. if for eheim, hydro, fluval brand, it won't be so cheap.

for those "high class" brand, just for 24" tank already need at least RM300 = HKD600. for 48" tank, if get eheim, i need at least RM 600 or above to get the suitable filter.

i prefer not to go for china brand because even though it is cheap but the performance not good enough. but eheim not everyone can support it, since i'm just a student, i not that rich enough to support a eheim filter. if want to change to external eheim filter, i need to save money first, so.... using hang on filter first :d

燈:Hopar T5 14w x 4,燈照12pm-8pm
過濾: EHEIM 2213
CO2:2.5L CO2 + Solenoid,燈同步
肥:PMDD + Azoo根肥

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