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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-05-23 17:49 

註冊時間: 2002-04-23 20:16
文章: 164
來自: 中環
C@@lPix 寫:
my 15" tank have 20虎紋蝦~~ for 2 weeks
now only 4 left and at the same time, I installed air pump....... for near one week... no more shirmp die..

I am not sure it is the air pump working or is the density lowered to their poper level..

but I also found the death always in the nightime.. within the 5 or 6 hour without light~ so I "Guess" it is the oxygen problem~~

still need more time to try it out.. later if my last 4 is stable, I will try to get some more~~

C@@lPix, what is the condition of your shrimps? Do they still alive? :j

I found it is very difficult to keep shrimps. Hope we can find out the best environment for keeping them.

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