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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-10-08 14:52 

註冊時間: 2003-03-20 12:19
文章: 52
來自: MaOnShan, TWGSS, CUHK
:-n01 about 30-40 babies dancing over the ADA black soil, I have a lot of other fishes in the tank, hope all of them can survive.
They are now hidden in the beautiful China Vases ($15 each bought in Yuen Long's Chinese big shop), the entrance is hardly big enough for the female (I see her needed to "squeeze" a little bit into it). Now she and the babies are in another China Vase but with a wider entrance.

See if can get some photo post to share.

4th birth
1st - 超紅鳳尾- all gone
2nd - 超紅鳳尾 - all gone
3rd - 超紅鳳尾 - all 20-30 survived - leaving the daddy dazzing with the babies, female kept in Planted tank
4th - 超紅亞卡西 - keep my fingers crossed

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