[二手水陸缸出讓 Second Hand Half Land/Half Water Terrarium]
店內陳設翻新 出讓一套水陸缸連不鏽鋼架
Due to layout change, we would like to sell the terrarium (with stainless steel shelf). Please come to visit us if interested.
HKD 10000 保養佳
呎吋如下(長L x 闊W x 高H):
缸 Tank: 50" x 28" x 28"
不鏽鋼架 Shelf: 50" x 28" x 34"
Thank you.
地址:官塘成業街7號東廣場地下G48號舖 (近觀塘廣場)
(Opening Hours: 11:00-8:30 p.m. Closed on Sunday )
*包括燈具 (150W 鹵素燈 x 2pcs; 36W FlexiLED x 3pcs, 48" LED x 1pc) , 過濾系統 ( 日本totto L型過濾器 ),及 UP 二氧化碳鋁瓶連電磁閥雙錶頭
Lighting, filtration system and CO2 system included.
**包括缸內生物/沙/石等,除辣椒榕。如一併買需加 $6000。
Content/Livestock inside the tank included, except Bucephalandra. Together with Bucephalandra, additional cost is $ 6000.
***不包搬運及運費. 顧客需自携. 可以代找運輸。
No shipping/moving service. Customer will need to arrange logistics from shop or we can introduce a delivery company.

魚缸直銷中心 - Aquarium Outlet 地址:香港荃灣沙咀道40-50號 榮豐工業大廈1703室 (有停車場)
<前往方法: 荃灣地鐵站 A4 出口, 沿樓梯落會有96A (往油柑頭)及96B(往麗城花園) 小巴, 在匯力工業中心落車, 隔離就係榮豐工業大廈>
營業時間:星期一/三/五 12-8pm, 星期六 12-6pm(星期日休息)。
WhatsApp: (852) 95181966