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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2015-05-30 00:01 

註冊時間: 2010-06-15 15:21
文章: 9
90% New 100% Work

ClearTec ultra violet clarifiers are used in ponds to eliminate water born floating algae which will turn the pond water green and starve it of oxygen. Algae as well as plants compete with the fish for the oxygen available within the pond at night. This oxygen is only produced during the 'daytime' cycle of the photosynthesis. Reducing the algae within the pond allows the fish to breathe easier minimising stress and the risk of disease.
Ultra violet clarifier destroys green algae
Robust construction for long life
Remote ballast with 10m cable for ease of installation
Multiple hose connections
Can be mounted on a wall or on the filter box
Outlet can be rotated to adjust to local set up requirements
Pond One ClearTec UV-Clarifier

Pond One ClearTec UV clarifier 36 Watts
Length: 62.5cm
Diameter: 8.5cm
Max Pond Size: 30000L
Wattage: 36W
Voltage 220-240V
Fitting Sizes: 13mm-37mm
Cable Length: 10m
Max Flow Rate: 15000L/H


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