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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2015-05-26 18:43 

註冊時間: 2010-06-15 15:21
文章: 9
放 2個FLUVAL FX-5 濾桶,己清洗乾淨,配件齊,100% work
每個 $900

Advanced Filtration System
The Fluval FX5 canister has an advanced filtration mechanism that allows for maximum performance and incredible control for different water features and characteristics. It also boasts a multi-stage system which enables you to batch together different kinds of filtration media. The accurate combination of such media yields the best results for your type of aquarium. The system will definitely ensure infinite flexibility in the aspect of providing an ideal environment for your fish that can be easily maintained.

High Capacity Canister
The large capacity canister of the Fluval FX5 is capable of filtering 536 gallons of aquarium water per hour. This is mostly thanks to the mighty motor processing technology that’s integrated with the system. Such performance will enable operators of large water tanks to manage the conditions of their aquariums that can accommodate up to 400 gallons of water. The Fluval FX5 can also store up to 1.5 gallons of different filtration media. This may sound overwhelming, but the unit, is quite compact as you can see it fit under any mainstream aquarium cabinet.


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