koonyue 寫:
新手一個, 琴晚用個可樂膠樽想 diy co2, 加左大約 2/5 咁多糖, 2 teaspoon 既 "依士粉", 但等左成晚都係冇 co2 出 .... 係吾係太凍既關係?
水我加到 3/5 咁上下, 係暖水黎既, 冇特別去攪去, 尤得 d 糖自己熔
There are several things that you could check:
1. Gas leak at connection between air line & bottle cap
- Suggest you empty the contents and submerge the entire setup into a sink of water.
- Squeeze the bottle underwater and you should expect to see only bubbles coming out of the air line. Otherwise, you have found the point of leakage.
- Fix this... somehow. 
2. Air line obstructed
- Your pic showed that yeast the had fermented quite a lot; i.e. too much yeast added.
- Possible that some of the fermented mixture got pushed into the air line, causing obstruction. This is common (at least for me when I first started DIY-CO2).
- Clean the insides of the airline properly.
As to your mixture, I would like to point out that the sugar & yeast proportions seem too high vs. the small bottle (1L?) you are using.
- Too much sugar can stress out the yeast and it would produce less CO2 than is optimal.
- Too much yeast would lead to strong initial burst of CO2 + lots of fermented mixtures; also speed up production of alcohol which would eventually shut down the entire solution.
Here's what I use: 2L bottle, 2 cups (about 400cc) sugar, 1/2 tea spoon yeast, access to hot & warm water.
a. Rinse out the bottle with hot water (but not too hot that bottle deforms). Fill to about 3/4 full with warm water (37-40C). I simply estimate this temperature by making sure it feels slightly warm to the skin.
b. Pour out about 1/2 cup of water into a bowl.
c. Add 1/2 tsp yeast to bowl; 2-3 small pinches of sugar; stir vigorously to create some foam and the mixture should smell nice and sweet. Set aside for about 10 mins.
- This is what people call re-activating the yeast because your yeast was probably instant dried yeast that needs to be awaken.
d. Meanwhile, add the 2 cups of sugar into bottle of water. Shake the sugar solution a bit to dissolve some of the sugar.
e. Now add the bowl of yeast to the sugar solution and mix well.
f. Leave overnight, uncapped, in your sink or a bowl.
- This allows CO2 production to peak and then stabilize. Any excess ferment mixture would be thrown up from the bottle but it would easy to clean up since it's not connected to air line or the aquarium.
g. Cap with air line and connect to your aquarium.
- You won't see bubbles right away because pressure needs to build up first in the bottle. This can take anywhere from 30 mins to 1/2 day depending on the mixture's temperature & what sort of diffuser you attach at the other end.
Although it takes some time to get CO2 going, I have found this formula to be long-lasting: about 2-3 weeks depending on whether I shake the bottle from time to time.
Sorry about the length of this reply. I know it's very frustrating to DIY in the beginning but once you get the right steps it's really easy. I hope the above would help you in some way.
http://www.uniquaria.com/index.php/arti ... 13-diy-co2