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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-03-26 19:11 

註冊時間: 2007-02-03 21:06
文章: 77
I have bought a Boyu EF-05 because the price is very good ($85). I find that it is silent, water flow is good (8 holes all have water flow out). But after 2 days, only 5 holes have water out and other just have droplets (the tube for water out is only half full). Do you know if it is normal for EF-05? Is the filter effective if the flow is such slow? Can I make it faster, such as opening it and close it again? If I buy an Eden 501, is it's flow not like that or just similar? Is it a better choice to buy an Eden 501 (though double the price) since I want to buy one more for my friend?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-03-27 09:51 

註冊時間: 2007-02-03 21:06
文章: 77

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-03-29 12:11 

註冊時間: 2007-02-03 21:06
文章: 77
After removing it, the flow is normal. But it is a bit noisy. Decided not to use it.

I have a Eheim hang-on filter, which is very silient and used since 2000. I will use it for my 18" tank.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-05-09 22:27 

註冊時間: 2007-02-03 21:06
文章: 77
Just some update. I know why it is noisy - because I put too many additional filtration material. After removing them, I find that the filter is very very silent. It is a best buy for me. Really no much noise even near to the filter. I am happy on my fish tank indeed.

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