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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-02-10 12:10 

註冊時間: 2002-10-29 00:54
文章: 50
Hi, is there anyone using 2227/2229 wet/dry filter?
Is it any good for grass? Sales at fish street saying that they are best in salt water environment.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-02-10 13:43 

註冊時間: 2002-01-05 08:00
文章: 557
來自: 九龍

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-02-10 18:04 

註冊時間: 2003-01-10 18:42
文章: 397
來自: 金魚缸
Eheim 的Wet/Dry filter 都算有d selling point ... 都可說設計獨特...
高d型號還有內置暖水裝置, 加上手按Pump, 想信都是Eheim精華所在...

可惜又話種草無需要 ...

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-02-10 20:57 

註冊時間: 2002-01-05 08:00
文章: 557
來自: 九龍
想要手按Pump上水, 20xx系列都有喇, 用wet/dry箋走哂d co2。

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-02-20 10:52 

註冊時間: 2002-09-17 17:18
文章: 180
Eheim 2227/2229 Wet/Dry filter IS GARBAGE.
Ask Fat Boy or Michael...they have a hard time selling them.
I bought one a year ago, the wet/dry device leaks water after 9 months ! Perhaps the plastic ring just wears out after a short period - What a piece of crap !! Also, it's noisy & slow. And I believe there is HUGE water bypass - I can hardly find any "dirt" in the filter media after 3 months of usage.

"Eheim ªºWet/Dry filter ³£ºâ¦³d selling point ... ³£¥i»¡³]­p¿W¯S...
°ªd«¬¸¹ÁÙ¦³¤º¸m·x¤ô¸Ë¸m, ¥[¤W¤â«öPump, ·Q«H³£¬OEheimºëµØ©Ò¦b..." - there is no ¤â«öPump in 2227/2229

"Sales at fish street saying that they are best in salt water environment. " - Eheim does NOT recommend this filter for salt water. The sales at fish street had better read the fu@king menu before they made such a statement. However, Eheim does have filters for salt water ( the anti-corrosive one ), I just wonder whether you can buy them in HK.

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-02-20 22:17 

註冊時間: 2003-01-10 18:42
文章: 397
來自: 金魚缸
jefflicv1 寫:
Eheim 2227/2229 Wet/Dry filter IS GARBAGE.
Ask Fat Boy or Michael...they have a hard time selling them.
I bought one a year ago, the wet/dry device leaks water after 9 months ! Perhaps the plastic ring just wears out after a short period - What a piece of crap !! Also, it's noisy & slow. And I believe there is HUGE water bypass - I can hardly find any "dirt" in the filter media after 3 months of usage.

***I just shock to read this comment about Eheim product, especially here ....

"Eheim 的Wet/Dry filter 都算有d selling point ... 都可說設計獨特...
高d型號還有內置暖水裝置, 加上手按Pump, 想信都是Eheim精華所在..." - there is no 手按Pump in 2227/2229

*** So the PUSH II PRIME Pump Head only for Professional 2 series ?
I alway think the old Professinal series also have one. So what is the selling point of 2222/2224 etc

"Sales at fish street saying that they are best in salt water environment. " - Eheim does NOT recommend this filter for salt water. The sales at fish street had better read the fu@king menu before they made such a statement. However, Eheim does have filters for salt water ( the anti-corrosive one ), I just wonder whether you can buy them in HK.

***But seem many people use them for salt water... Any model number of the anticorrosive filters or a link on the web ?

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