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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-10-27 13:40 

註冊時間: 2006-09-18 13:01
文章: 86
Hi bros,

What is the better lighting duration/pattern? e.g. -
a) Keep the lights on continuously say for 5, 6, or 7.. hours?? Or
b) Keep them on in say 2 or 3 sessions with each session continuously for say 3, 4, or 5 hours ??

My tank is :
1) 14"(L)x9"(W)x14"(H) [about 30L]
2) water level to soil level = 12"
3) 2" Ada black soil (without "foundation nutrient")
4) T5 8W x 4 tubes (6500k each)
5) DIY CO2 (roughly one bubble per two seconds)
6) various unknown "water grass"
7) 30s small fishes
8) tank "opened" about 1 month !

(NB: up to now, none of my grasses produce bubbles!! :h )

Pls advise ! :-n05

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2006-10-27 16:34 

註冊時間: 2006-09-13 11:15
文章: 935
to make it better...(producing bubbles :j ) :-n08

u may try to start lighting from 1900-0100 each day

adjust the CO2 to 1bb per sec. or a bit more

since your tank is quite "tall", find a way to lower the lights level to decrease the height from the light to the soil

hope this helps


懶人nano草缸, 學問在其中, 亦樂在其中

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