Ah_Chiu 寫:
Thank you very much for the expert advice. I will only add the fishes slowly!
But just wanna further clarify (sorry, don't know how to type Chinese!):-
"If you can handle the water current correctly, a bigger filter will help, so either EX90 or Eheim 2028 will work alright" (per bro. "Andy Kong")
(1) Which filter would you guys recommend me to use on cost-effectiveness basis? Ex-90, Eheim 2026 or 2028 (unlucky that Ex-120 is too big to fit into my scarce space!!)??
(2) How to ease the "typhoon" current to a bearable level??
Thank you thank you very much again

To reduce the current effect, you can use
(1) multiple water outlet
(2) if you use waterfall pipe, enlarge the hole of the pipe
(3) position the pipe or water outlet correctly, for example, if you face the water outlet to the side of aquarium first, and let the water "reflect" into the main aquarium area, the water current effect will be further reduced.
Check out this example:
http://www.aqugrass.com/phpBB2/viewtopi ... 0&start=15
I'll pick between EX90 or Eheim 2026, and leave the final choice to you.