Hi bros,
I have a barrack of 20 small tanks of bettas (with a total of about 100L).
It takes me too much time to change the water/clean all tanks each time (need 1 to 2 hrs my god

Initially, intended to build a centralised overflow filter system but found it too complicated to build.
Now think of a lazy method - can I share two Eden 501s for all the tanks? e.g. half day for Tanks 1 & 2 and half day for Tanks 3 & 4, and so on. So, every 5 day a tank will be cleaned for 1/2 day!
But some more technical advices are needed-
1) where would be the best location for the Eden 501s (prefer to place them at a fix location without moving them each time - since there is not much space left in the barrack!) -
(a) if place the 501s at the lowest level of the barrack, then the distance to the top level tanks will be about 88". If so, do the 501s have sufficient power to push the water?
(b) if place the 501s at the middle level, then can they work for tanks at the lower levels?
2) Are there any the extension plastic pipes and valve control (for waterflow) for Eden 501 ? Which shop and how much?
3) Are Eden 501s powerful enough for this lazy system? If not, what external filter should I use?
Pls advise!