1) 由第2天開始, 計泡器的水由4分3滿變成2分1, 會唔會係縮左入下面那個防倒流度呀.
2) d泡出得唔太穩定,我開到好細, d泡一係一次連發3個, 跟住又等10秒8秒,又發3個. 如果我開大d, d泡又出得快好多(約1秒3個), 咁係正唔正常呢?
3) 聽你地講 如果1秒3泡, 1kg co2可放2-3個月, 咁即係話, 0.35kg 只可放一個月左右, 是嗎? 咁咪好唔抵.... 一樣是收1kg的charge 錢...
A1. Yes. All correct. check the 防倒流 - very easy to reverse the direction by eye ball check - better to blow it by month ...
A2. Normal. Very hard to adjust. when turning it lower, bubble rate only slow down after a while...
Suggest to use pH tester - if pH is in acceptable range - leave the bubble rate too hard.
A3. my experience 500g. 1-2 sec => one bubble. Use for 1.5 month...