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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-11-01 15:08 

註冊時間: 2002-11-01 14:28
文章: 69
Dear All,

I have the following questions:

1) Assume that I have a canister filer Eheim 2329 with the following specifications:
- Recommended for a maximum aquarium tank size is 600 Liters.
- Pump Output 1050Liters/Hour.
- Filter circulation 550l/h.

If it is a must to use it for a small aquarium tank 20 inches X 20 inches X 18 inches. How can I control the water intake/output of the canister filter in an efficient way?

And if an extra 20 inches X 20 inches X 18 inches tank (or more) will be added in the future, how should I re-configure the water intake/output then?

Please give example and its advantage and disadvantage.

2) How should I configure the airline tubing network for a CO2 system, if I want to delivery CO2 gas to 2 different tanks (or more tanks with the same size) with the same amount of CO2 and maintain a stable pH value?

Please give example and its advantage and disadvantage.

3) What is the benefit of using a wet/dry canister filter?

Please give its advantage and disadvantage.

Million Thanks,

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2002-11-01 16:55 

註冊時間: 2002-09-27 08:22
文章: 203
來自: BayArea, CA, USA
1) I have a Pro II, which should be similar. The water flow is controled by the handle which is also used to disconnect the water in-out adapter. Just turn down the water flow will do for a small tank.

2) should be able to connect more than one tank using a T connector; however, you will run into the risk of leaking. Not to say your CO2 will be used up much faster. For example, M3 has a 1 CO2 cylinder to 6 tanks Hexo-Manifold.

http://www.marine-monsters.com/front/pr ... l#metallic

3) can't answer that, never use one before, however it said to have a better bio-filter

I will let other "high-hand" continue on... :-n06

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