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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2005-07-08 00:07 

註冊時間: 2005-01-27 21:26
文章: 163
我的缸36"x18"x18" 已買了Atman 36wPLx4,
再加多Daz T5HO 39wx3 種陽草, 會爆晒燈嗎?

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2005-07-08 00:11 

註冊時間: 2005-06-14 11:06
文章: 39
來自: Hong Kong !
powerpoint 寫:
我的缸36"x18"x18" 已買了Atman 36wPLx4,
再加多Daz T5HO 39wx3 種陽草, 會爆晒燈嗎?


但一定會有勁多青苔...可能仲會熱到爆燈! :c

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2005-07-10 08:01 

註冊時間: 2005-01-27 21:26
文章: 163
我覺得ATMAN枝燈唔夠光, 如想加燈, 可加什麼呢?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2005-07-10 12:25 

註冊時間: 2003-06-03 23:05
文章: 91
來自: 沙田
Hi Powerpoint,

I have Atman 36w x 4, Tota T5ho x 3 and acradia T4hox 4.
Atman is very very hot. I fear it will burn my house.
Tota T5ho is a bad quality lamp. I bought 2. Both break on the lamp socket, making the lamp suddenly dim.
Acradia is expensive but very reliable and reasonably hot.
I fear you may not put Atman together with Daz as it would be very close together and very hot. If you want buy another one, I suggest you buy Acradia T5ho x 4 and don't look back to chosse others.
I buy Atman 36wx4 because people said it is good for red plant. I am disappointed as Atman lamp is too hot.

Best Regards


40"x18"x22" Tank
2xT5Ho + 2x 150W HQI
Co2 to pH 6.5
TMC and ADA soul
Water cooling at 25 degree

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2005-07-10 15:16 

註冊時間: 2005-01-27 21:26
文章: 163
Simontsg2000 寫:
Hi Powerpoint,

I have Atman 36w x 4, Tota T5ho x 3 and acradia T4hox 4.
Atman is very very hot. I fear it will burn my house.
Tota T5ho is a bad quality lamp. I bought 2. Both break on the lamp socket, making the lamp suddenly dim.
Acradia is expensive but very reliable and reasonably hot.
I fear you may not put Atman together with Daz as it would be very close together and very hot. If you want buy another one, I suggest you buy Acradia T5ho x 4 and don't look back to chosse others.
I buy Atman 36wx4 because people said it is good for red plant. I am disappointed as Atman lamp is too hot.

Best Regards


Thanks very much for your sharing. My Atman is ok as I have fans cooling it down. I have the same worry for putting two very hot lamp together as this might eventually burn my house!

So, do you mean I should replace Atman with Arcadia? I just bought Atman for 2 weeks only... :f

What is your comment on Atman apart from the heat it generates? Is it suitable for 36" grass tank and especailly the red plants?


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