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 文章主題 : lightering problem again
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-22 00:54 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:grin: originally, i was planning to make a 48" length x 20" width x 22" tall tank with arcadia hqi. however, my wife want it to be thinner to be 18" instead of 20" due to the space of my living room and she didn't like with wiring. :ugeek: since she gave me the permit of having a 4' tank, so i am happy enough to agree with her.
in this case, i will just go for glo t5ho 54wx4 (2 set) with light stand on top of the tank. (forget about arcadia, coz it is pain in the ass if you need to add more light later and glo is so much easier to get in hk)
now, i got two question.
1. how tall should i make the tank which glo can reach to the bottom, not the limit but more than enough. i will make 迷你矮珍珠 in the front properly, so the light must be strong enough. glo is fixed and i can only adjust by the height of the tank. personnel, i prefer 20" since the light might be too weak for 22". :grin: the taller is better. :P
2. i like many red plant. as from the previous post that t5ho aren't very good for red. however, i would properly put red at the back only. do you think it would goes better to add a t8 light at the back? (glo has t8 with same lightering case?)
3. is it a must to have a chiller with t5ho lightering? :ugeek: if your answer is 50/50, then i will see what will happen in summer. if it is a must, i just go ahead and buy now.

:emitofo: andy, you know what i want to ask you and what you need to tell me... hee hee :shy:

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-22 01:33 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:ugeek: i will hang the light on the top of the frame just like the photos, so the maintance will be so much easier.


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