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 文章主題 : ada equipment
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-03-19 20:19 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
:x i went out last day and see a nice bubble counter by ADA. wow, scare me that it cost $830 just for a bubble counter. :cry: i thought it is 200-300 maximum.
:redface: finally, i just bought the 15mm temp for $115 or 125. coz i may see the temp from the front but not the bubble counter. haha.

:P some items of ada is really for rich people.


 文章主題 : Re: ada equipment
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-04-01 10:49 

註冊時間: 2008-11-04 13:20
文章: 143
來自: 海洋
leoo11 寫:
:x i went out last day and see a nice bubble counter by ADA. wow, scare me that it cost $830 just for a bubble counter. :cry: i thought it is 200-300 maximum.
:redface: finally, i just bought the 15mm temp for $115 or 125. coz i may see the temp from the front but not the bubble counter. haha.

:P some items of ada is really for rich people.


Agree the ADA products are relatively expensive. However, many "仿" products we see in the market are originally designed by ADA. R&D needs a lot of money to maintain. And some products with good design really save you money in a long run. Good for you to get the NA Thermometer, it is great. I got a small CO2 diffuser at 4XX... last couple weeks, 肉赤 but really good looking :ugeek:

A: 90x45x50 ADA2 CO2-2/1Sec 150A-25C EX120 ADAT8x4-8hr 陽草+燈魚
B: 60x30x35 ADA2 CO2-1/2Sec 130A-25C 2215 SolarMax70W-6hr 陽草+燈魚+蝦
C: 30x18x24 蝦天(s) CO2-1/4Sec 130A-24C SV4500 KOTOBUKI23W-9hr 陰草+蝦


 文章主題 : Re: ada equipment
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-04-01 18:00 

註冊時間: 2010-01-19 01:21
文章: 776
Agree the ADA products are relatively expensive. However, many "仿" products we see in the market are originally designed by ADA. R&D needs a lot of money to maintain. And some products with good design really save you money in a long run. Good for you to get the NA Thermometer, it is great. I got a small CO2 diffuser at 4XX... last couple weeks, 肉赤 but really good looking :ugeek:[/quote]

:grin: i got the 15mm thermometer too. its abit expensive but still okay. but, the ada big bubble counter for 8xx and in/out flow for another 8xx each is at sky price. :ugeek: I would rather to use the fake.

 文章主題 : Re: ada equipment
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-04-11 00:10 

註冊時間: 2009-03-18 01:03
文章: 261
where is your new tank?set yet?我set咗啦,遲些試post上

eheim2075 +eheim 2113
ada grand solar2,hariley 150A,75cmx45cmx45cm

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