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 文章主題 : 新手18"缸濾桶及燈
未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-02-19 12:44 

註冊時間: 2004-08-06 12:02
文章: 3
小弟初黎報到, 乜都唔識望各位師兄姐們指教.

小弟有一18" x 8" x8"缸, 想種下草養少少魚咁, 請問用邊隻濾桶會好D?

有留意其他post 知道有大約有cy-20, Eden501/511, CF800等型號會比較適合.

其中平的話就係cy-20, 但有D師兄又話會唔夠用, 所以而家都冇頭緒.

其實以我個缸既side要幾多流量先夠呢? 即幾多 L/h?有冇一D公式可以計?

其次因為我個缸只係放係一個普通櫃面, 而個桶亦只可以同個缸一齊放櫃面, 咁會唔會有問題?


另外, 我有一支T5 8w x 2的燈, 種陰草或陽草夠唔夠呢? 如果唔夠, 我可唔可以就咁買一支大Watt少少既管換左佢用呢?


未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-02-19 15:46 

註冊時間: 2008-09-24 09:11
文章: 2820
Your tank is of around 20L of water. You can buy a canister with 200L/ hour flow rate. I don't think cy-20 or Eden501 are enough for your tank. Eden511 should be fine. Atman cf800 seems too strong for your tank.

For the placement of canister, as long as the water level of the tank is higher than the canister, it should be fine.

For the lighting, T5 8Wx2 is only suitable for 陰草. Also, make sure that the tubes are of 6500K. FYI, you can't simply replace the tube with higher wattage, the transformer is not strong enough.

24"x12"x14" w/ Eheim 2026+Arctica Mini
GLO T5HO 24Wx2
Lighting: 12:00pm-9:00pm
CO2: 2+ bubbles/sec
ADA Amazonia New

未閱讀文章發表於 : 2010-02-22 10:36 

註冊時間: 2004-08-06 12:02
文章: 3
Thanks Fish Fan ching for you reply,

So I know how to choose the canister for my tank now, but for the light, since I only have 8.5cm height space from the top of my tank to the bottom of my cabinet, there is not much choice for the lighting.... :cry: , perhaps I need to DIY a stronger one if I need to grow 陽草.

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