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In fact the running cost is not that sky-high expensive
I just check back the power formula from old post:

power bill for equipment per month = (W/1000) * (#of hrs per day) * (#of days per month)


power bill for equipment per month = (A*220/1000) * (#of hrs per day) * (#of days per month)

where 'W' is the Watt for the equipment and 'A' is the Amp for the equipment.

For my 150W hqi, I turn it on 8hr per day
= 150/1000*8*31 = $37 per month

For my CA-160 chiller, it is 0.5A and approx. turn on 10hr per day
= 0.5*220/1000*10*31 = $34 per month

So, don't be too scare and worry by the power usage.
In fact, pls consider those running 24 hrs product such as filter. In my case, I use Hydor P20 and it is 22W, so
22/1000*24*31 = $16, already half of the running cost as hqi lar.

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