I went to fish street and tried to buy a TH5O light set for my 24 tank(length) x 19 (tall) x 15 (width), as i am currently only using the T5 light set (4 light tubes) .
I almost bought the BCD T5HO (x 6 light tubes) for about HK$7XX in one shop which has tons of branches....The sale first said the light tubes are 6,500 k, but when i confirmed further, the another sale said it is 10,000k, and can't change. I asked if you may change the Solar max light tubes (6500k) for me, and they said it no longer exists....then i didn't buy it ...Why all the BCD light tubes are 10,000 k?
Is that i have to buy a light set first, then buy all the T5HO light tubes outside, which is quite trouble/expensive...Any suggestion where to buy?? Another other choice, like SolarMax PL light set?
Besides, does my tank really need 6 T5HO light tubes, or only 4 ? (i would like to plant those which requires "light", like "sun" grass. Please advise and help. Thanks!!!!!!