Zoom too much will made 手震 easy,because
1. shutter speed
Example:if you zoom to 8mm(like SLR 40mm),the “safe “shutter speed(will not手震for the 初學者) is about 1/40,but if you zoom to 30mm(like SLR 120mm),the” safe “shutter speed is about 1/120
2. 光圈值
the other reason for do not zoom too much is “the len is not 恆定光圈”,Example:if you zoom the len to 8mm,the max 光圈 may f2.8(I do not know the max. 光圈 for your DC),but if you zoom to 30mm,the光圈may be f8,the max光圈 will become small,the result is the shutter speed much slow down to keep 足夠light to 曝光.
P S.光學變焦與數碼變焦之分別,前文有講,這裡不提
.the 原理of the DC focus is “裂像對焦”(名詞可能錯,但道理是對的),其實在dc電腦內會從lens之對焦點接收到一左一右的影像,再使其重疊而計算出主體與相機之距離,自動對焦便完成,所以如對無物體是”I”形, “裂像對焦”情況下,晶片之計算是”I I”,左右移動便可計算出其焦距,
The reason of “can not auto focus”
1. 對焦點物體是”-”形的話, “裂像對焦”情況下,晶片之計算是”─ ─”,左右無論如何移動都是重疊,所以便不能正確對焦.””
2. 對焦點物體是“淨色”,原因如上
3. 對焦點物體是“低反差”(包括colour OR light), 原因如上
4. 超過了最近的對焦距離
5. 被攝主體移動得太快
解決方法前文有講, 這裡不提
PS. 我多數會用魚眼作對焦點(感覺條魚精神d),但切忌一成不變,創意是無限的.
最後由 村長 於 2003-06-11 22:15 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。