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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-05-28 16:24 

註冊時間: 2003-03-20 12:19
文章: 52
來自: MaOnShan, TWGSS, CUHK
See if this help. I use a Glaxx bottle (those sport drinks) which comes with 'BIG MOUTH'. Clean it and fill 1/3 - 1/4 of your tank's water (depend on amount of water in the bag of new fish. Then move the new fish in with their 'old' water. Put the whole bottle in the tank, it floats there. Remember to lift the button (from where you drink) of the bottle. Move the opening downwards and let it float in the tank. After say 2 hours, put the bottle upwards and under water, you can see water in the tank are being sucked into the bottle (see the bubble !!). By this way, more tank water can be filled in and mixed well with the fish's old water, until you want to release the fish, you can repeat any times you like to suck in more tank water. Good things - same lighting, same temperature (more or less la), and fish can 'see' their environment too. I used to 'release' the fish after turning off the lights. So far the result is quite good, no disease (white cloud) nor death. Only problem may be not useful for small tank to have the BIG bottle floating there.

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