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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-09-25 12:51 

註冊時間: 2006-09-13 11:15
文章: 935
Kelvin temps are the basis for our color perception, not the growth of plants.

A mix of higher K and mid K levels are nice for most folk's color opinions, but that's just how things appear to us, there's no real Kelvin plant growth basis.
Even if someone manged to correlate them some how, I'd still suggest not worrying/learning about that aspect.

Tom Barr

他們的higher K 是介乎HQI的8000-10000K
mid K就是T8 T5的 3000-6500K

Tom Barr的理解是 水草缸看起來漂亮就好
T8 T5 的3000-6500K 和 HQI的8000K-10000K

而且 香港草友們的草缸 照明一般都比較強
他們的標準 是可以低至 T5 0.35W/L
跟我們60L水 郁d就24W T5HO x 4的差別很大

懶人nano草缸, 學問在其中, 亦樂在其中

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-09-25 14:49 

註冊時間: 2007-09-10 15:34
文章: 10
o yea ..

if u look for english references regarding aquarium lighting, most would suggest 1 to 3 watt per gallon(wpg, 1 gallon = 3.8L), which most people in HK think 3 wpg is "dim light" and some might even comment that it's too low for plant growth.. most would suggest u to get at least 1 watt per litre, some even going for 3 watt per litre ...

it is true that plants can adapt to lighting wavelengths, but most ppl wouldn't have the patience to wait here in HK right? that's pretty much why they are raising lighting and CO2 concentrations to speed up aquatic plant growth... in fact the english references never aims to make plants bubble anyway so they can tolerate a much lower lighting requirement..

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-09-25 14:56 

註冊時間: 2006-09-13 11:15
文章: 935
亦因為這個原因 我也把我的缸照火力減少到24Wx3試試看
在原來T5HOx6的大反光板上 分開的裝上3枝管 原來已經可以係好光又平均了

而亦發覺原來黃黃的顯色 前865-840-830後

懶人nano草缸, 學問在其中, 亦樂在其中

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-09-25 15:24 

註冊時間: 2006-09-13 11:15
文章: 935
aaaaryin 寫:
o yea ..

if u look for english references regarding aquarium lighting, most would suggest 1 to 3 watt per gallon(wpg, 1 gallon = 3.8L), which most people in HK think 3 wpg is "dim light" and some might even comment that it's too low for plant growth.. most would suggest u to get at least 1 watt per litre, some even going for 3 watt per litre ...

it is true that plants can adapt to lighting wavelengths, but most ppl wouldn't have the patience to wait here in HK right? that's pretty much why they are raising lighting and CO2 concentrations to speed up aquatic plant growth... in fact the english references never aims to make plants bubble anyway so they can tolerate a much lower lighting requirement..

I think so.
the O2 bubbles are just one of the indicator of the photosynthesis status of the plants and usually it's almost invisible when the water flow speed is high.

And actually it's easy to do so. Just as you said rasing the lighting & CO2 level, stop the filter and wait.

so what i'm looking for is to make the plants grows in good shape & color. The feeling of self-satisfaction is more than the O2 bubbles.

懶人nano草缸, 學問在其中, 亦樂在其中

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-09-25 17:15 

註冊時間: 2003-11-18 16:59
文章: 908
我地去外國forum話比佢地聽高光,CO2,重肥,佢地都有懷疑是否需要咁光同咁大CO2,但Tom Bar既EI 正正就是高光,重肥,CO2 既玩法, 控制到水質唔比有機物積聚咩事都無,控制唔到,咁重肥高光,即爆!
總光量因應草種,密度亦要相應配合,低光永遠易控制過高光,低光祗係生得慢D,太低又唔得wow! D草會追光, 玩高光,水草生得快,肥要多,水流要夠,一失平衡,你地知點架啦!爆藻...... :c

"一起推動水族設景潮流, 集思廣益, 雅俗共賞。"
Life is to enjoy.....

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