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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-03-22 14:08 

註冊時間: 2002-09-20 21:37
文章: 160
來自: TKO
In aquarium, activated carbon (AC) can be used to remove all the dissolved organic compound (include organic coloring material, organic fertilizer, organic acid...). However, people also think that AC will remove the inorganic compounds, like metal ions, nitrate, phosphate... I think this is wrong since AC cannot remove inorganic compounds as it is an organic material that cannot absorb or adsorb inorganic material.

If people are using DIY fertilizer (direct dissolve metal salt into water), AC will not remove any of it. But if you are using commercial fertilizer, AC will remove some of it since some of the metal ions is organic binded (chelated). The degree of removal for different organic binded metal ions depend on the chelating power of the agent. Since the chelating power of the agent (e.g. EDTA) is different for every kind of metal ions. It depends on the size, charge on the ions itself. If the agent like to bind with Fe2+ first, then all other metal ions will be free in the water.

I think the most disadvantage of using AC in aquarium is that the nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria will undergo starvation. It is because the dissolved organic compounds are the major source of food for them. Also. under this environment, they cannot convert organic nitrogen to ammonia or ammonia to nitrate or nitrogen.

I am just want to share some idea and not to challenge anyone. If someone have new idea or something I am wrong, please have a kind discussion :-n01

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-03-22 14:17 

註冊時間: 2002-05-21 23:46
文章: 376
來自: 葵芳
活性碳也會吸收非有機離子的, 因為他們次間也有互相引力(簡單叫萬有引力喇), 吸力不遜有機物質......

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-03-22 14:50 

註冊時間: 2002-09-20 21:37
文章: 160
來自: TKO
:-n06 Um...as i know 萬有引力 can only apply to very large object, like the earth. I don't know the effect if apply for this extreme small item.

Besides, the polar metal ions should like to dissolve in water (a polar solvent) rather than the non-polar surface of AC.

Like people want to reduce the hardness in water, they usually use resin. Resin is a polymer that containing ionic head for ion exchange. Hence, resin can be used to remove calcium or magnesium or other metal ions but cannot remove organic compounds.


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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-03-22 15:00 

註冊時間: 2002-05-21 23:46
文章: 376
來自: 葵芳
當然, 有電荷物質會十分有效地吸收離子, 但沒有電荷的有機物也會吸引離子. 相住你也有讀化學, 有種吸力叫 dipole-induced dipole moment, 吸力雖然比有電荷物質之間的 dipole-dipole moment 弱, 但强度不遜有機物質之間的 induced dipole- induced dipole 弱, 況且, 基於活性碳有極大的表面面積, 其吸力雖小, 吸收力卻不容忽視, 其實活性碳之所以有效吸收有機物質, 都是基放其極大的表面面積. 總括而言, 活性碳對無極性的有機物質和有極性的離子都具有吸收力, 而且並不是蚊和牛之比, 是不容忽視的

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2003-03-23 00:22 

註冊時間: 2002-09-20 21:37
文章: 160
來自: TKO
Hi Benlee, :c

The following link can be used as a reference:


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