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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-03-29 23:02 

註冊時間: 2006-12-20 14:51
文章: 35
Thanks for the nice photos. :-n01
Would the glass plate become very hot if you put the lamps just on top of it?

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-03-30 04:56 

註冊時間: 2004-08-26 00:26
文章: 7732
來自: 馬鞍山
Somehow the topic changed quite dramatically, apparantly we are on a completely different subject now, maybe khsheh can repost his experience and sharing in another new post, I am sure this will attrach more respond then hidding inside a post with a different heading.

Back to the original question, I suggest you go for lighting that has a plastic or glass shiled, and then replace the top plate with a smaller one, let the lighting device do their job and can shide upon the wate as they should have. There is no need to worry about dust entering the tank normally, unless you placed your aquarium at an extraordinary place. Condensation happens, but once you use the light to cover up part of the tank top, it will stop condensation to certain extend level anyway.



我的 60 吋 Community Tank 紀錄

JazZ Cafe - 水族主題的蒲點

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未閱讀文章發表於 : 2007-03-30 10:01 

註冊時間: 2007-02-03 21:06
文章: 77
Thanks for Andy suggestion. For 陳新手 information, the glass plate is not hot at all. There is a lot of space for ventilation. For the lamps, they already have a plastic cover. I use the glass plate as I feel it is more safe electrically. But I think I will prefer your AA cover which is more convenient.

I think I need to stop this thread here. The sharings are just primitive findings only, for example, I think I should put a layer of gravel on top of the soil, since the soil are itself substrate with nutrients, etc. Happy aquarium!

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